Failte go Celtica!
COVID-19 has been all the rage, good and bad. Some have seen it personally, every day…others simply by the impacts it’s made on their lives. It has affected us as well. Some of our old haunts are now closed or have curtailed hours…members of the group, session-mates as well as performing, have either battled this virus or have loved ones who have done so (successfully and not)…our own practice time is interspersed with COVID episodes and as we can work around each other’s COVID-disjointed schedules.
Rest assured, we’ll get through this…all of us, together. This is the Celtic spirit – persistence, and optimism (even if sometimes viewed through a very dark lens).
But the good news is that we’re still performing! Look for us at the Missouri River Irish Festival on September 11th, and at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows on December 21st. Visit our calendar page for more details.
There’s more cooking…another album idea or two, more places to play, the continuing search for additional musicians to add to the roster. It never ends. We’d love to hear your ideas of where you might like to see us travel – either musically or for a performance! Drop us a note and let us know.
In the meantime, be good to each other. As always, thank you for your continued support! – Go raibh mile maith agat!
Be sure to visit us on Facebook – give us a “Like” when you stop in!